Announcing “Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely Leadership”

by BIll on August 15, 2012

Greetings – some of you for the first time, some of you once again – NOW, in the mid-summer of the Olympics, of the Syrian “civil” war, of the stalled US election campaign, and of continued global warming and extreme climates…

Here, at the home of Action Inquiry Leadership, we are delighted to be looking beyond Election Day USA, in announcing a variety of initiatives, the first on Nov 15-17 in Toronto…

Yes, November 15-17 is when Mary Stacey, our Toronto-based Action Inquriy Associate, is hosting  Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely Leadership facilitated by all four of us A I Associates – Dana Carman, Elaine Herdman-Barker, Mary Stacey, and Bill Torbert.  For more details on the workshop click on the title above at any time.

Why come?  No other approach to leadership development so directly faces the personal, organizational, and global sustainability challenges of transforming ourselves, our relationships, and our social institutions.  Nor is any other approach based on as deeply grounded theory and research, not only about transformational development in general, but more particularly on our own practice in generating personal and organizational transformation in collaboration with our participants.

Our vision and practice supports developing beyond independence-fostering, market-democratic assumptions toward global, inter-independent assumptions that generate integrity, mutuality, and sustainability through timely action inquiry.  Come learn how you can encourage a culture of timely leadership among your team, family, or organization.  (And, if you are a coach, consultant, or researcher, you can also choose to become authorized to debrief our Global Leadership Profile.)

Please consider joining Mary, Elaine, Dana, and me in Toronto, November 15-17, to experience individuals, including yourself, and the whole group transforming in real time!
Bill Torbert

P.S. Two further related notes of interest: 1) Mary Stacey will undoubtedly include references to her current work with Air Canada’s Learning How to Fly series, where she is engaging teams that naturally collaborate in the custom-designed “Creating Shared Vision through the Practice of Action Inquiry” program; and 2) in the past month, the 2005 Rooke and Torbert Harvard Business Review article “Seven Transformations of Leadership” has been named one of the top ten leadership articles of all time in HBR.

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